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Client side table sorting and filtering with jQuery tablesorter

Ran into an awesome jQuery plugin today while trying to find a quick way to add filtering and sorting to a table on the client machine rather than on the server side. It’s called TableSorter.

You can easily enable client side filtering, sorting and paging with a few lines of javascript and a multitude of options to customize it to your needs.

Here’s a demo. You can click on the headers to sort or type into the textbox to filter by FirstName or LastName.


Last Name First Name Owing
King Justin $22.00
Liu John $35.00
Truong Michelle $100.00
Gfader Peter $50.00



Performance Point Server Error - "The Unattended Service Account"...

I’ve been getting into a lot of different technologies recently and one of those was SharePoint 2010 and PerformancePoint Services.

While trying to get a demo up and running for Adam Cogan, I ran into the following error in Dashboard Designer when trying to create a new data source.

The data source cannot be used because PerformancePoint Services is not configured correctly. Additional details have been logged for your administrator

The data source cannot be used because PerformancePoint Services is not configured correctly. Additional details have been logged for your administrator


Trying to find the cause of this I ventured into: Central Admin | Manage Service Applications | PerformancePoint Service Application | PerformancePoint Service Application Settings and when trying to specify the unattended service account I got the following error:

The Unattended Service Account cannot be set for the service application. The Secure Store Service key might not have been generated or properly refreshed after the service was provisioned.



One of the only rare instances where VB.NET > C#

Working with SharePoint and CAML can be a pain, but in VB.NET it's actually quite beautiful using the XML Literals feature.

Here's a query to get all web page documents in a SharePoint list that have been modified since some date.

Dim query = _
                <FieldRef Name="Modified"/>
                <Value IncludeTimeValue="TRUE" Type="DateTime"><%= lastSyncDate.GetValueOrDefault(DateTime.MinValue).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") %></Value>
                    <FieldRef Name="FSObjType"/>
                    <Value Type="Lookup">0</Value>
                    <FieldRef Name="DocIcon"/>
                    <Value Type="Lookup">aspx</Value>

The same query in C# (using Linq to XML) looks like this:

var query =
    new XElement("Query",
        new XElement("Where",
            new XElement("And",
                new XElement("Gt",
                    new XElement("FieldRef",
                        new XAttribute("Name", "Modified")
                    new XElement("Value",
                        new XAttribute("IncludeTimeValue", "TRUE"),
                        new XAttribute("Type", "DateTime"),
                new XElement("And",
                    new XElement("Eq",
                        new XElement("FieldRef",
                            new XAttribute("Name", "FSObjType")
                        new XElement("Value",
                            new XAttribute("Type", "Lookup"),
                    new XElement("Eq",
                        new XElement("FieldRef",
                            new XAttribute("Name", "DocIcon")
                        new XElement("Value",
                            new XAttribute("Type", "Lookup"),
