I got asked a question recently about ASP.NET Dynamic Data and how to customize the display text of foreign key dropdownlists/comboboxes
The exact question was “I have a foreign key to a list of store locations. Each location has an address but the default drop down only shows the state. How do I get it to show: “State - Region - StoreName”
Here’s how you do it:
Create a partial class of your domain object and add a new column
[DisplayColumn("DisplayName", "DisplayName", false)] public partial class Store { [ScaffoldColumn(true)] public string DisplayName { get { return string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", State, Region, StoreName); } } }
The key here is to:
- Create a new property with the exact formatting that you want (DisplayName in this example)
- Add the ScaffoldColumn attribute to the property and set it to true
- Add the DisplayColumn attribute to the class and use DisplayName
Note: if you don’t scaffold the column you will get an error like:
The display column ‘DisplayName’ specified for the table ‘Stores’ does not exist.
The display column ‘DisplayName’ specified for the table ‘Stores’ does not exist.