Fix slow loading mkv files in VLC in Mac OSX

Was having a frustrating few months with MKV files containing subtitles taking up to 30 seconds to load in VLC. The solution to the problem is to grant write permissions to the fontconfig file. So the simple fix is this:

  • Open up Terminal.app
  • Type in "sudo chmod 777 /usr/X11/var/cache/fontconfig"

Now MKV files containing subtitles will load instantly!



Adding custom http header to all WCF requests

I needed to add a customer http header to the outgoing request of a web service call (for authentication purposes). With old web services it was easy to do this, but with WCF it’s a bit tricker. The good thing is that WCF is *very* extensible.

To do this, we need to create a custom WCF behavior and message inspector.

The solution file is available in the resources section of the post.



401.1 Unauthorized - IIS & WCF using custom host headers and host entry

I ran into a bit of a issue today at a client with Windows Authentication and WCF services (it seems like a very common problem) where I was using a host header in IIS to test a web application I was working on. To do this, I added an entry to the hosts file in %windir%\system32\drivers\etc to map the custom host name (e.g. testapp.com) to

Accessing the web application worked fine, but trying to access the WCF services hosted under IIS (also using Windows Authentication) kept prompting the login dialog and then eventually failing with the dreaded 401.1 - Unauthorized

Adrian Foyn pointed me to a registry hack to enable loopbacks by setting the registry key:



Client side table sorting and filtering with jQuery tablesorter

Ran into an awesome jQuery plugin today while trying to find a quick way to add filtering and sorting to a table on the client machine rather than on the server side. It’s called TableSorter.

You can easily enable client side filtering, sorting and paging with a few lines of javascript and a multitude of options to customize it to your needs.

Here’s a demo. You can click on the headers to sort or type into the textbox to filter by FirstName or LastName.


Last Name First Name Owing
King Justin $22.00
Liu John $35.00
Truong Michelle $100.00
Gfader Peter $50.00