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One of the only rare instances where VB.NET > C#

Working with SharePoint and CAML can be a pain, but in VB.NET it's actually quite beautiful using the XML Literals feature.

Here's a query to get all web page documents in a SharePoint list that have been modified since some date.

Dim query = _
                <FieldRef Name="Modified"/>
                <Value IncludeTimeValue="TRUE" Type="DateTime"><%= lastSyncDate.GetValueOrDefault(DateTime.MinValue).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") %></Value>
                    <FieldRef Name="FSObjType"/>
                    <Value Type="Lookup">0</Value>
                    <FieldRef Name="DocIcon"/>
                    <Value Type="Lookup">aspx</Value>

The same query in C# (using Linq to XML) looks like this:

var query =
    new XElement("Query",
        new XElement("Where",
            new XElement("And",
                new XElement("Gt",
                    new XElement("FieldRef",
                        new XAttribute("Name", "Modified")
                    new XElement("Value",
                        new XAttribute("IncludeTimeValue", "TRUE"),
                        new XAttribute("Type", "DateTime"),
                new XElement("And",
                    new XElement("Eq",
                        new XElement("FieldRef",
                            new XAttribute("Name", "FSObjType")
                        new XElement("Value",
                            new XAttribute("Type", "Lookup"),
                    new XElement("Eq",
                        new XElement("FieldRef",
                            new XAttribute("Name", "DocIcon")
                        new XElement("Value",
                            new XAttribute("Type", "Lookup"),
